Safe Night In

One thing about me, I’m gon’ find somethin’ to do.


When I have free time, I’m not the type to take long naps (if I nap at all) or binge watch TV. Instead, I prefer to read, write, travel, bake or try a new activity. Thus, I can’t recall a time I’ve felt “bored” as an adult. Of course, there are many things I miss from pre-pandemic life, but I’m grateful for my busy body-ness since getting creative at home has become the new going out. Finding time for a paint night has been at the top of my list.

Small Apartment Artwork

I plan to make my apartment in Connecticut feel like home instead of temporary living. A significant part of that plan is to decorate the walls with art painted by me (and T). We are going to use the rest of this time overseas to become decent artists so we can actually create paintings worth hanging.

I’ve never been to a sip-and-paint studio and paint night had been on our to-do list for a couple weeks. I put together a short list of canvas painting tutorials from YouTube and we settled on this cute cactus video thinking it looked simple enough for beginners. Yeah, it was not. It was very hard. I was too focused on trying to have the better painting that I only drank one glass of wine. (Imagine what it might have looked like had I drank more, ha!) The two hours it took to complete our paintings were definitely worth it; we had a good time. Although my cactus lost the Instagram story competition, I believe I show some promise. Today, I went back to the craft store to restock and improve my supplies. I’m ready for my next session!



Office Supplies & Craft Store in Istanbul: Nokta

YouTube Tutorial: Saguaro Cactus|Easy Acrylic Painting on Canvas Step by Step|Satisfying Demo

Materials Needed: Acrylic Paints, Paintbrushes, Canvas, Cup of water, Lint-free Rag

Total Time: 2 hours